Results, not promises.
Since our inception in 1993, Elcan Industries has focused on finding catered solutions to any screening problems that companies may be experiencing. We pride ourselves on doing the jobs that other sieving companies cannot do. We are always open to trying to any separation, no matter how obscure, or difficult it may seem. We have always focused on selling only the most advanced screening technologies available on the market. We have the ability to screen material from 10 microns to 10 mm and have achieved efficiencies of 98% and up at all of these sizes.
Elcan currently represents four different types of sieving technologies. We offer large rectangular screeners with an activated screen surface, tumbler screeners with unique anti-blinding mechanisms and a gentle motion, our Elbow-Jet Air Classifier, which allows for separations down to .5um, and our proprietary advanced line of sieving technologies, the Hi-Sifter which allow us to sieve down to 10um on an industrial scale with 98% efficiencies and high-throughput rates. Our Allgaier Tumbler Screeners , Hi-Sifter and Elbow Jet Air Classifier lines of screening equipment are all available for material testing and toll processing at our facility.
Elcan serves as the North-American base of operations for all four of these equipment lines. Our toll processing facility in New York stocks all the spare parts for any equipment that we offer for sale. This means that any time you need a part, we can ship it out overnight and there will be a limited disruption in production. We make screens for all the equipment and offer screen repairs and rescreens when needed.
Unlike OEM’s, Elcan runs the equipment we offer in our facility every single day. Our facility in Tuckahoe, New York, has 10 bays dedicated to toll manufacturing that dozens of companies take advantage of.
This has given us vast experience in countless industries and has given us the knowledge to run a wide range of products. We know what works best with each material and we know what approaches to take to get the most out of the equipment for each specific application.
For any problem, you may be having in your process, we are just a phone call away. We also have traveling technicians that do on site maintenance and follow up at customer’s facilities.