Results, not promises.

20 Marbledale Road
Tuckahoe, NY 10707

Local Calls
(914) 381-7500

Toll Processing | Particle Processing Services | Elcan Industries

20 Marbledale Road
Tuckahoe, NY 10707

Local Calls
(914) 381-7500


Milled Glass Fibers

What are Milled Glass Fibers? Milled Glass Fiber is a powder product resulting from jet-milling or hammer milling, a coarser form of Glass Fibers. The particles are typically very angular and are “needles,” and require precise vibrations and techniques to efficiently separate. Furthermore, the low density of the product and shard-like particle shapes can make it difficult for particles to find the holes in the screen mesh.

Contract Manufacturing Experience

Elcan Industries has toll processed millions of pounds of milled glass fibers. Using Elcan’s advanced sieving machines, we have achieved separations as low as 25 microns. Elcan’s high-energy screening machines keep the particles jumping on the screening surface, which never allows them to settle in the hole and blind the screen mesh. Agglomerations are blown apart once they hit the high energy on the screen, and particles can pass through the screen openings seamlessly. Elcan has handled numerous types of glass powders and has done large-scale projects with producers, making separations for them at virtually any cut sizes down to as fine as 5um on certain products. If you would like to have your Milled Glass Fiber material screened at our facility to benchmark our performance, feel free to reach out to us!


Call today to schedule your trial!

📞 914-381-7500


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