Results, not promises.
What is Lead Chromate Pigment Used For? In the realm of pigments, Lead Chromate stands out for its vivid yellow color, historically used across a range of applications from industrial paints and coatings to coloring plastics and ceramics. Despite its declining usage due to health and environmental concerns, lead chromate’s impact on aesthetics and functionality is undisputed, offering unmatched opacity and brightness.
Sieving Lead Chromate Powder, Achieving the precise particle size distribution of lead chromate powder is crucial for maximizing its color strength and coverage. The particle size directly affects the pigment’s performance in various applications, necessitating a sieving process to ensure uniformity. Typically, lead chromate powder is sieved to a particle size range of 0.2 to 2 microns for paints and coatings, and 1 to 5 microns for plastics, to achieve optimal dispersion and vibrancy. Elcan has successfully helped major organizations optimize their pigment and coatings screening process with our advanced sieving machines achieving yields of over 98% and high throughput rates!